Our 16-hour drive from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon was filled with random adventures. Foo purchased a 50 dollar, giant stuffed white tiger and proceeded to have me take over 25 photos of him cuddling with it, we watched a movie, listened to potential “Shots” remixes, came up with my new Twitter and PartyRockPeople name (ElleGThang, thanks to Foo) and, of course, slept until 1 p.m. yesterday.When we woke up, we all grabbed some Mexican food (that was a little to gourmet for the guys) at a spot in Portland. Our hotel, the Jupiter Hotel, was beyond amazing. Not only was it edgy and eco-friendly, it was as if they knew LMFAO was coming (no pun intended). They had Jupiter Hotel condoms set out on the nightstands with signs reading, “YES” right below them.
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